Summer Youth Farm Camp: Garden Master Chefs

Summer Youth Farm Camp: Garden Master Chefs
- date: July 17, 2017
- time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Calling all chefs! If you love cooking you will love this summer camp. Come and prepare delicious homemade food using the freshest of farm ingredients. We will explore the farm looking for ingredients chosen by campers to create delicious meals and snacks such as popsicles, preserves and pizza! Play games, cook and eat good food, and enjoy the sun with us!
Who: Ages 7 – 12 (entering grades 2 – 7 in fall 2017)
When: Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm
Where: 21 Acres Farm

Our Summer Youth Farm Camps create lasting memories.
This camp is full for 2017. If you’d like to receive advance notice of summer camps next season, please send an email to: rbcrowder@21acres.org.