Tuesdays@21: Growing a Revolution, book talk & signing

Tuesdays@21: Growing a Revolution, book talk & signing
- date: July 25, 2017
- time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

In his new book, Growing a Revolution, Prof. David Montgomery introduces us to farmers around the world at the heart of a brewing soil health revolution and cuts through standard debates about conventional and organic farming to show why regenerative agriculture can benefit farmers and the land. Combining ancient wisdom with modern science, he makes the case for an inspiring vision where agriculture becomes the solution to environmental problems. Growing a Revolution reveals that it’s possible to bring a farm’s soil back to life.
David Montgomery is a Professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington and is the author of several books including Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization, The Rocks Don’t Lie, The Hidden Half of Nature and Growing a Revolution, published in May 2017.

Tuesdays @ 21 is a free monthly community presentation series providing education and an opportunity for networking and dialogue on a variety of sustainability topics. These dynamic evenings tackle a wide spectrum of regionally-relevant issues ranging from climate change, wildlife and wild spaces, energy independence, agriculture, food production, food justice, and activism using a variety of formats that are sure to inspire and challenge us to action.
Every fourth Tuesday of the month. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for networking, followed by a presentation from 7:00-8 pm
Know a group that has some great information to share? We are always looking for dynamic local speakers and topics! Contact Robynl@21acres.org