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April 26, 2022 - Volunteer Madalyn explores vegetarian cooking with gluten and dairy restrictions!
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March 31, 2022 - Join volunteer Chelsea as she cooks her way through Best of the Best: The Best Recipes from the 25 Best Cookbooks of the Year! This baked salmon with herb butter is quick and delicious.
March 10, 2022 - As a new mom, cleaning has practically become a hobby. But after looking at bottles with warnings to keep away from children, Green Clean is nothing short of a blessing.
February 11, 2022 - Deep dive into how eating not only affects your health--it's also a major part of the way we impact our planet in this book review by volunteer Aveen Thoohan.
There is much happening at 21 Acres: on the farm, in the Market and our green building, plus special events, tours and volunteer opportunities. Want to learn more? Sign up for our newsletter!
Education Center year-round hours:
Wednesdays-Fridays 9-4
Saturdays 10-4
Farm Market year-round hours:
Wednesdays-Fridays 11-6