21 Acres Sustainability Library and Little Free Seed Library

The 21 Acres Sustainability Library contains more than a thousand titles on topics like gardening, cooking, green living, climate and social issues, children’s books, and more. All materials were donated by community members and are available to be checked out for free.
The Sustainability Library is located on the ground floor of our building and accessed through the Farm Market. It is open to the public Wednesday through Friday, 11 AM to 6 PM and Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM. We invite you to make yourself comfortable in a cozy chair with your next great read!

Our collection also includes a Little Free Seed Library, where you can browse a diverse selection of seeds and take the ones you want to grow – no need to check them out! Varieties are regularly restocked by volunteers. The 21 Acres Seed Library is listed on the LittleFreeLibrary.org world map (charter #159588). Check out their website to find Little Free Libraries in your neighborhood.

What's New
The Sustainability Library is regularly updated with fresh donations from our community. Come check out what's new and read reviews from volunteers. If you'd like to volunteer with the library, see our openings on our Volunteer Page.