Many businesses, organizations, and individuals support the 21 Acres mission through their partnerships with us. We are especially appreciative for the expertise provided by local farmers and community groups that help guide our sustainable business and farming principles. We’re also extremely grateful to these wonderful groups and people included here, such as the Eagle Scouts. This is by no means an exhaustive list!
Want to partner with us? Email generalinfo@21acres.org. Let’s talk climate change education and solutions.
Adytum Cellars
Beez Neez Apiary Supply
Cedar Grove
Clean Air Lawn Care
Banner Bank
Buck and Gordon LLP
Cadman Concrete
Cascadia Community College
Chinook Lumber
Coastal Bank
Comcast families and friends
Coughlin Porter Lundeen, Inc
Covington Cellars
Crown Bees
In Harmony Landscaping
DeYoung’s Farm & Garden
Durable Plastic Design LLC
Evitavonni Architecture
Farmstand Local Foods
Farrington Court
Fairwinds-Brittany Park
JD Tree Service
Kim Ricketts Book Events
Ladybug Web Design
Landscape Stewards
Lopez Babes
Lucky Girl Designs
Mallory Paint Store/Benjamin Moore Paints
Mason Construction
McLendon Hardware
Microsoft Corporation
PCL Construction
Puget Sound Food Hub
N1 Health
RAFN Construction
Rent Mason Bees
Root and Radicle Seed Co.
Second Use Building Materials
Windermere Real Estate
Sunny Tan
The Grape Choice
The Herbfarm
Top Food & Drug – Shoreline & Woodinville
Trellis/Heathman Lodge
Vanderloop Communications
Van Ness Feldman GordonDerr
Woodinville Barnes and Noble
Bothell High School
Boy Scouts/Eagle Scouts, Troops 420, 422, 573, 574, 909, 483
Eastside Preparatory School
Girl Scouts, Troops 1065, 2027, 2564
HEARTS Home School Group
Inglemoor High School
Island Park Elementary School
Jane Addams K-8 E-STEM
Kirkland Children’s School
Living Montessori
Moorlands Elementary
Northshore Scholarship Foundation
Northshore School District
Northshore SD Secondary Academy of Success
Northshore Schools Foundation
Overlake Schools
Pace at Wellington
Rainier Beach High School
Sammamish Children’s School
Sammamish High School
Sammamish Montessori School
Sammamish Valley 4-H
Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences
Suginoko Pre-school
The Bush School
Timbercrest JH Honor Society
Wellington Elementary
Willows Prep Middle School
Woodinville High School
Woodinville Montessori School
Woodmoor Elementary
Mary Anne Adams
William N. Appel
Beth Award
Nanette Bassett
Ron Paul Baum
Bill Birney
Debora Boeck
Janet Boguch
Julie Boselly (in memory of Carol Edwards)
Virginia Brix
Denise Bugallo
Grant Carr
David & Lila Chapman
Rebecca Clark
Judy Courshon
Tim Crosby
Steve Dahl
Lowell DeYoung
Lucy DeYoung
Christy Diemond
Vinnie DiGiulio
Jennifer Ellestad
Jean Fowler (in memory of Karen Forys)
Byron Garth
Jon Gold
Salena Goudreault
Rhonda Greer
Brian Haberly
Nan Hawthorne
Sandy Henson
John Hughes
Satomi Hurn
Holly Jensen
Elizabeth Johnson
Kathy & Trey Jordan
Jan Keller
Jason Keyes
Kathy Kill
Kristyna & Matthew Maclurin
Rosemary McAuliffe
Pamela McCabe
Shelley & Scott McIntyre
Mark McLelland (in the name of Nancy McLelland)
Bob McNamara
Linda Meredith
Dave Muehleisen
Jay Munro
Chester Murphy
Dale Nelson
Phillip Nelson
Cassondra Noel
Simone Oliver
Dawn Pacheco (in the name of Anna Nelson)
Angela Peace
John Reiher
Mary Ann Retailliau
Heather Rhodes-Weaver
Helen Russell
Chris Sanders
The Saunders Family
Ed & Bonnie Jean Schein
Virginia Stamey
Joe & Dee Strecker
Yanmin (Sunny) Tan
Irmgard Tank
Jim Tedford
Holli Templeton
Claire Thomas
Joyce Turner
Justin Twenter
Mark Valade
Mandy Cufley Warren
Gary Whitsel
Kathee Woods
Last Leaf Productions Shakespeare in the Park
Woodinville Repertory Theater
Aaron Wipf, Troop 420
Christopher Finney, Troop 422
Patrick Quinn, Troop 420
Andrew Litchfield, Troop 420
Ben Wineman, Troop 573
Jon Sailor, Troop 573
Tyler Fulgham, Troop 909
Alex Mischke, Troop 573
Grant Liebel, Troop 909
Jacob Stephens, Troop 573
Koa Inn, Troop 573
Jacob Hanser, Troop 573
Luis Guadarrama, Troop 573
Jordan Markezich, Troop 573
Tucker Lutz, Toop 909
Calvin Cloney, Troop 573
William Walters , Troop 39
Kaden Fitzpatrick, Troop 573
Logan Fitzpatrick, Troop 573
Dustin Lind, Troop 573
Sebastian McRae, Troop 573
Kyle Shaul, Troop 573
Ben Gamble, Troop 573
Nick Yovin, Troop 573
Scott Eastwood, Troop 620
Jaxon Peay, Troop 620
Zan Litovkin, Troop 572
Alki Market Garden
Alvarez Farm
Apres Vin
Backyard Bees
Blue Hazel Farms
Bluebird Grain Farms
Blue Valley Farm
Bow Hill Blueberries
Brookfield Farm
Cascadia Mushrooms
Caruso Farms
Cedarville Farm
Cherry Valley Dairy
Clover’s Market Place
Cloud Mountain Farm Center
Collins Family Orchard
Earthtone Garden
Fairhaven Mill
Four Season Gourmet
Fresh Breeze Dairy
Garden Treasures
Glendale Shepard
Golden Glen Creamery
Goodness and Flavor
Gothberg Farm
Harbor Herbalist
Harmony Field
Hedlin Farm
Hierophant Meadery
Hopewell Farm
Jones Family Farm
La Conner Flats Farm
Lentz Resurgent Grains
Lyell Farm
Maha Farm
Maltby Produce Markets
Mt Townsend Creamery
Nash’s Organic Produce
Nelli Farm
Ocean Tuna
Ole World Oils
Oxbow Farm
Palouse Brand
Parkers Pickles
Ralph’s Greenhouse
Rock Island Red
Rosaio’s Nursery
SAgE Sammamish Valley Student Farm
Samish Bay Cheese
Sasquatch Mesa
Skagit River Ranch
Skipley Farm
Sky Valley Family Farm
Songbird Haven Farm
Tahoma Farm
Trufflebert Farm
Viva Farms
Beechers Pure Kids Foundation
Bellevue Botanical Gardens
Cascade Water Alliance
Cloud Mountain Farm Center
Common Acre
Growing Veterans
Millionair Charity Club
Northwest Agriculture Business Center
Puget Sound Food Hub
ROAR – Roots of All Roads
Sammamish Valley Alliance
Sammamish Valley Grange
Savvy Gardeners
Seattle Tree Fruit Society
Seattle Tilth
Sound Water Partnership
Tilth Producers of Washington
Transition Woodinville
Veteran’s Half Acre
Washington Conservation Corps
Veteran Conservation Corps
Washington State Farmers Market Association
Washington Sustainable Food and Farming Network
YMCA Woodinville
Bothell/Kenmore Reporter
Capital Times
Chinook Book
Edible Seattle
Natural Choice Directory
425 Magazine
Redmond Reporter
Seattle Weekly
Woodinville Weekly
Eastside Greendrinks
Eco-Builder’s Guild
Green Building Council
International Living Futures Institute
Northwest Landscape Design Association
Le Tip
NW District Beekeepers Association
NW Ecobuilding Guild
Seattle Electric Vehicle Association
Seattle Green Drinks
Woodinville Wine Country
Woodinville Business and Professional Women
Woodinville Chamber of Commerce
Woodinville Power Partners
Bellevue Community College
Cascadia Community College
Evergreen College
Green River Community College
Le Cordon Bleu
Sustainable Agriculture Education:
Edmonds CC, Skagit Valley CC, Seattle Central CC
University of Washington, Bothell
University of Washington, Seattle
WSU, AgWeatherNet, multiple research projects
King County Master Gardeners
Snohomish County Master Gardeners
WSU Snohomish County Extension
Sustainable Community Stewards
Woodinville Garden Club
NW Perennial Alliance
Country Garden Club
Hilltoppers Garden Club
Pine Lake Garden Club
Eastside Morning Glories
Woodsound Garden Club
Sammamish Garden Club
Comcast Foundation
Dean Witter Foundation
HumanLinks Foundation
Northshore Kiwanis
Not Yet Foundation
Satterberg Foundation
The Tagney Jones Family Fund
Washington Womens Foundation
Woodinville Rotary
City of Seattle
City of Woodinville
King County Council
King County DSHS
Woodinville Water District