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February 11, 2016 - A great cheat sheet to help you when making purchases. Make Every Dollar Count! Click on this link to download
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November 7, 2015 - It’s been a mild fall so far after the record-breaking hot and dry summer. This mild weather may persist well
August 20, 2014 - Hi, all. Many people must have felt relieved with the clouds and rain over this past week after many days
July 7, 2014 - Hi Everyone, I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. This is Farm Update #3 – what’s
May 15, 2014 - Organic food claims have changed over the years and how the organic certification system is regulated by USDA has been
December 14, 2013 - Time flies. It’s already December and winter is rolling in. It feels like the 2013 farm season began only
There is much happening at 21 Acres: on the farm, in the Market and our green building, plus special events, tours and volunteer opportunities. Want to learn more? Sign up for our newsletter!
Education Center year-round hours:
Wednesdays-Fridays 9-4
Saturdays 10-4
Farm Market year-round hours:
Wednesdays-Fridays 11-6