Cedar Mountain Herb School: Herbal Bitters

Cedar Mountain Herb School: Herbal Bitters
- date: January 12, 2019
- time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

We’re pleased to partner with Cedar Mountain Herb School to host classes at 21 Acres. This specific class is just one out of ten very interesting topics offered this winter and in the early spring!
Bitters go far beyond digestive health… to weight loss, reversing chronic inflammation, and much more. In this workshop students will learn how to make bitter simples and explore the beautiful complexity of creating formulas that join potent medicinal plants with aromatics to create one-of-a-kind blends.

Bartenders use bitters in tasty cocktails while herbalists use bitters to support a healthy digestive system. In this workshop we’ll discuss the anatomy and physiology of this body system and how bitters go far beyond digestive health to aide in weight loss, reversing chronic inflammation, and much more. We’ll even delve into the compounds that present the bitter profiles in the herbs we study.
Over the course of this three hour workshop, students will learn how to make bitter simples and explore the beautiful complexity of creating formulas that join potent medicinal plants with aromatics to create one-of-a-kind blends. Course instructor, Suzanne Tabert, will discuss ways to seamlessly add bitters to our diet as well as creative ways to introduce these powerful medicinal creations to others—Suzanne’s motto is “get the medicine to the people in ways that they’ll take it!” Fun and yummy bitter treats will be on hand to taste.
At the end of this information-packed workshop students will leave with an array of new tools in their herbal medicine tool belt, as well as with two bitters formulations that they’ll create with the herbs provided.
What to bring:
– 2 eight-ounce half pint jars
– Pint of 100 proof vodka or gin
– Cutting board and chopping knife
– Notebook, pen and a snack