Basics of Homesteading: Meat Rabbit Q & A

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Basics of Homesteading: Meat Rabbit Q & A

  • date: March 7, 2020
  • time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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  • Rabbits are an exceptional local meat: quiet, delicious, and not as daunting to store as a whole side of beef! If you are interested in getting started raising yours, come ask questions of experienced rabbit keeper Daniel Kirchhof. See pictures of our rabbit barn and meet a few of our lovely bunnies.



    Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof have been feasting together at Hawthorn Farm since 2010. They spent all of 2017 eating only hand-harvested food and continue to develop their Woodinville farm to feed the community great year-round produce. With years of experience between them doing carpentry, animal husbandry, food preserving, and gardening, they find joy in sharing hard-won common sense. Teaching is a passion for them both. Join them in practicing essential skills to build resilient communities! Click to learn more about Hawthorn Farm.