Class: Sustainable Handmade Pasta with Bolognese

Class: Sustainable Handmade Pasta with Bolognese
- date: March 25, 2017
- time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join culinary instructor Lisa Crawford of The Tiny Kitchen with one of her favorite ways to take a little meat a long way: Classic Bolognese, 21 Acres Style! Local, sustainable, and humane- raised animals give us the best meat for our diet. This meat, while having less impact on the environment, still requires much from the pastures, from the farmers, and especially from the animals themselves. Using small portions of meat as part of a diverse meal keeps production cycles, ecosystems, and our nutritional needs in balance. Together we’ll get the sauce simmering, put together Einkorn Tagliatelle pasta, then forage the farm for greens to sauté. Throw some boots in your car and dress for a walk to the farm. With meat, dairy, wheat.