Virtual Homesteading: Seed Starting–The Key to Veggie Success

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Virtual Homesteading: Seed Starting–The Key to Veggie Success

  • date: April 10, 2021
  • time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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  • Want to make your garden worth your time and energy? Starting plants from seed is a huge part of that–a packet of hundreds of seeds can be a fraction of the cost of a six-pack of veggie starts. And most veggies don’t grow optimally from store-bought transplants! Come learn an experienced homesteader’s tips for starting plants, from seed selection to growing media to Hawthorn Farm’s compost-heated greenhouse. In this lively interactive experience taught by Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof, hosted by 21 Acres, we’ll become professional mud pie makers by exploring the soil block method that can eliminate annoying plastic pots and grow delicious lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and more from seed.


    This virtual and interactive hour is hosted live via Zoom. After registering, you will receive the link and password.

    About Hawthorn Farm

    Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof have been feasting together at Hawthorn Farm since 2010. They spent all of 2017 eating only hand-harvested food and continue to develop their Woodinville farm to feed the community great year-round produce. With years of experience between them doing carpentry, animal husbandry, food preserving, and gardening, they find joy in sharing hard-won common sense. Teaching is a passion for them both. Join them in practicing essential skills to build resilient communities! Click to learn more about Hawthorn Farm.

    About 21 Acres

    21 Acres is a living laboratory that inspires action to solve climate challenges by learning as a community to grow, eat, and live sustainably. We learn as a community about the value of agroecology, soil health, and green energy as solutions to climate change. Learn more.

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