Youth Culinary Series: Cultivating Cooks 301

Youth Culinary Series: Cultivating Cooks 301
- date: June 12, 2017
- time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Cultivating Cooks: 301
In the 301 week-long intensive students will learn how to source locally grown ingredients and why it’s important to do so, learn methods of traditional food preservation, participate in a special baking workshop, and enhance culinary confidence by designing a spontaneous meal in an Iron Chef-style challenge. Additionally, throughout this session, students will learn aspects of environmental nutrition including energy efficient cooking methods.
More details to come once kids complete 101 or 201!
Throughout the program students will work in pairs and teams as they gain culinary experience and develop confidence in their cooking abilities. Chef Lisa and assistants will provide education as well as motivation so that the young chefs feel inspired to continue their culinary education as they go forth to cook for family and friends. Whether your student is a first time cook or already has some culinary experience and wants to enhance their skills, they will take home a wealth of knowledge that will be used for years to come. Cooking is an experience, not just a meal, and we look forward to sharing this culinary experience with your family.