21 Acres LEED Green Building Tour- Resourceful Water Use

21 Acres LEED Green Building Tour- Resourceful Water Use
- date: September 18, 2021
- time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join us for our next Green Building Tour and learn how our LEED-platinum certified building sustainably and resourcefully manages water consumption on campus. This in-person tour will focus on vital water-saving features such as our composting toilets and our water management systems, including on-site wastewater treatment, stormwater management practices, and our living roof. Great for building professionals, students, and any curious minds.
We’ll examine how 21 Acres monitors water usage to identify leaks and excessive use, leading to changed behaviors for better water conservation. Water is a precious and finite resource- we strive to use less and protect what’s here.
Bring your questions! We hope to inspire suggestions for simple and important changes you can make at home or work to reduce impacts on this precious resource.

This interactive hour will be held in person on the 21 Acres campus. Join us in the lobby on the second floor ahead of the tour.
Due to coronavirus concerns, space is limited; be sure to sign up via Eventbrite. Masks are required in our building and Farm Market.
Note: This event will not have a virtual option or be recorded. However, we are closely monitoring coronavirus news and guidelines from King County and will provide updates if the situation changes.