Virtual Homesteading: Tools for Tree Care and Harvest

Virtual Homesteading: Tools for Tree Care and Harvest
- date: August 8, 2020
- time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Many of us have the opportunity to work with wood in our rainforest home. From pruning shears to log splitters, learn how to choose and sharpen tools for dealing (safely!) with trees. Learn from homesteader Daniel Kirchhof who heats exclusively with wood and uses branches in natural building.

Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof have been feasting together at Hawthorn Farm since 2010. They spent all of 2017 eating only hand-harvested food and continue to develop their Woodinville farm to feed the community great year-round produce. With years of experience between them doing carpentry, animal husbandry, food preserving, and gardening, they find joy in sharing hard-won common sense. Teaching is a passion for them both. Join them in practicing essential skills to build resilient communities! Click to learn more about Hawthorn Farm.
This virtual and interactive hour is hosted live via Zoom. After registering, you will receive the link and password.