Cedar Mountain Herb School: Healing Chronic Inflammation

Cedar Mountain Herb School: Healing Chronic Inflammation
- date: February 16, 2019
- time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

We’re pleased to partner with Cedar Mountain Herb School to host classes at 21 Acres. This specific class is just one out of ten very interesting topics offered this winter and in the early spring!
What causes inflammation in the body; how can we find relief and stem the genesis of disease? In this workshop Suzanne Tabert will discuss the causes of inflammation, before delving into the myriad ways to contend with it and lead a healthier life.

Chronic inflammation due to the body’s inability to resolve the primary inflammatory origin can cause tissue damage that then creates continued inflammatory response. Like the ripples that arise from a pebble thrown in the water, the damage can broaden over time. This broadening can put a burden on the entire system, making it even harder for the body to change the condition. Chronic inflammation can lead to chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, and more.
So, what causes inflammation in the body? And how can we find relief and stem the genesis of disease? In this workshop Suzanne Tabert will discuss the causes of inflammation before delving into the myriad ways to contend with it and lead a healthier life. Grounding, sun, limiting EMF exposure and blue light, developing appropriate sleep patterns, good diet, and stress relief all play a factor in alleviating chronic inflammation, as do water quality/intake and herbal support.
Sample remedies and take home a wealth of easy to understand information that is effortless to implement into daily life.