Celebrate the Green Ceilidh* (It’s a party!)

Celebrate the Green Ceilidh* (It’s a party!)
- date: March 3, 2018
- time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

March gives us a great opportunity to celebrate all of our favorite green things: green shoots in the garden, green living options, “green” beverages and Saint Patrick’s Day!

Join us for a lively evening of Irish music performed by Woodinville duo, “Above the Sod,” local beer from 20 Corners Brewing and local Salmon Safe Wines. Enjoy an opportunity to explore our LEED Platinum “Green” Certified building and Farm Market. We’ll be serving savory and sweet snack foods that celebrate the season and are inspired by the Irish. Plus, you’ll be entered to win some free goodies!
This event is 21+.
Tickets purchased prior to the event are $15. Tickets will be available at the door, as space allows, for $10. Buy your tickets ahead of time and get more bang for your buck! Pre-purchased tickets include admission for one, two drink tickets, building and Market tours, entry into drawings and more!
The 21 Acres Farm Market will extend its hours special for this event. The following will be served in the Market’s deli:
Irish Stout Beef Stew (GF)
Vegetarian Stout Stew (GF)
“Soda Bread” (GF)
Oatmeal Bread
Garbanzo Bean Brownies (GF)
Mini Carrot and/or Beet Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting
GF = Gluten free
*Irish for Party – say: kay-lee