Class: Cooling Fire–Meeting Inflammation Head-On

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Class: Cooling Fire–Meeting Inflammation Head-On

  • date: July 24, 2019
  • time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
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  • We are pleased to partner with herbalist, EagleSong Gardener of the Pacific Wise Woman Center in Monroe, WA for a summer herb series. This 3-part series Bringing Herbs to Life can be taken together or independently to deepen your understanding of bringing herbs to life, your life. However you choose to come, you will go home with confidence in your ability to make decisions about how herbs can benefit your life. It’s simpler than you think!

    In this evening workshop, you will learn which foods, herbs and lifestyle practices are your best allies to meet inflammation head-on. It is now understood that inflammation is at the root of most disease. And, inflammation is also used by the body to heal as part of the immune response. 

    EagleSong will unravel the threads of inflammation in simple accessible language so you can assess the difference between beneficial acute inflammation and deep seated chronic inflammation and how each affect your life. Pain, heat, redness, swelling or loss of function in your body means inflammation is present. Stiffness, allergies, indigestion may be associated with inflammation that has settled deeper in the body and become chronic. By learning skills & practices you can do on your own you can use both kinds of inflammation to enrich your life.

    In this evening’s workshop you will:

    * Meet herbal anti-oxidants
    * Explore free radicals and oxidative stress and how they affect your body
    * Meet 3 foods rich in bio-flavanoids: Berries, brassicas, citrus. You’ll sample flavanoid rich foods, learn what makes vegetables such powerful foods for health and receive easy recipes to take home so you can weave these foods into your daily life.
    * Meet 3 anti-inflammatory herbs, Willow, Cottonwood and Linden and learn how to make 3 different herbal preparations with them. A linden infusion, a willow tincture and an infused oil of cottonwood buds. 
    * Learn how Cottonwood grows and why these trees are called bio-engineers. Discover how cottonwood’s growth habit is an indicator of how the plant reduces inflammation in the human body and on the earth. 
    * Make a simple comfrey poultice for first aid in acute situations such as sprains, strains and surface wounds. This is the simple, messy and fun part and you’ll take one home.

    You will learn techniques for engaging nature’s abundant resources to:

    * Reduce pain
    * Relieve general and specific inflammation, both acute and chronic
    * Boost your immune response
    * Improve the skin
    * Improve your overall health
    * Reduce the risk of chronic disease

    What to bring:

    * A favorite mug
    * A blanket for sitting under the cooling cottonwoods on a summer evening 
    * Your enthusiasm for engaging the energizing fire of life while learning strategies to fend off and ameliorate debilitating inflammation
    * Bring a snack and dress for the weather

    The other classes in this group include:

    Bringing Herbs to Life

    Adaptogens from the Ground Up!

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