Food: the most delicious medicine

Food: the most delicious medicine
- date: November 5, 2016
- time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Learn how to nutritionally fortify yourself for the cooler months ahead. Join culinary instructor, Rebecca Sornson, in this hands on class as she teaches guests the basics of creating nourishing staples like bone broth, yogurt, and immune supportive condiments. Using these delicious and healing components, we’ll make a satisfying hands-on menu of roasted squash soup with fresh yogurt and onion syrup, and homemade bread. We’ll explore the healing potential of these foods as well as eat a delicious meal together. With diary, chicken broth, wheat optional. Round out the evening enjoying this satisfying meal among new friends! Vegetarian.

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Rebecca Sornson:
Rebecca has a deep rooted passion for traditional and culturally significant culinary arts. She is fascinated by the healing properties of whole foods as well. After completing her bachelor’s degree at Bastyr University, Rebecca went on to work as an organic farmer and farm-to-table culinary instructor in Maine and Michigan. Inspired by the forces of edible nature, Rebecca decided to return to Bastyr to complete a naturopathic doctoral degree. These days when she’s not filling her mind with disease processes and treatments, Rebecca loves teaching at 21 Acres. In her mind there’s really nothing better than cooking great food with curious, passionate people.
Registration is required in advance for culinary programs. All proceeds benefit educational programming at 21 Acres and initiatives related to accelerating social change toward more sustainable ways of growing, eating and living that protect the environment while supporting a better quality of life.