Cooking Class: Get Your Goat Cheese Making Class!

Cooking Class: Get Your Goat Cheese Making Class!
- date: July 31, 2017
- time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Join professional cheesemaker and former dairy farmer, Meghan McKenna, as she guides you through the wonderful world of goat cheese making. We will use local, farm fresh goat’s milk to create gorgeous artisan cheeses. Goat’s milk cheese is a fantastic alternative for those who cannot tolerate cow’s milk cheese. We will start by gathering a few seasonal vegetables and greens from our 21 Acres Farm to make a salad to enjoy during the cheese making process. Then we’ll get started on our cheese by making a summertime classic – fresh chevre.

We will play with shapes, flavorings, and traditional coatings like vegetable ash to create individual goat cheese masterpieces. This class will also explore the next steps to creating delicious bloomy rind goat cheese like crottin. Finally, we will make a couple creative summertime recipes with goat cheese including salad with the fresh veggies harvested at the beginning of class and fresh baked bread. You will take home your own cheese, recipes, and the confidence make this cheese again and again! With dairy, wheat optional.