Earth Day Volunteer Event: Give Back to the Earth

Earth Day Volunteer Event: Give Back to the Earth
- date: April 21, 2018
- time: 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

We invite you to celebrate Earth Day with us!
Choose one or more of the volunteer activities below, which will be led by 21 Acres staff and volunteers. Learn something new through shared interests to help make a difference.
All ages are welcome, but kids under 12 must participate with an adult.

Volunteer Projects:
1) Red and Blue Beds with Farm Production Specialist Andrew and Youth Education Coordinator Marshall
Blueberry Variety Trial + Service Berry Intercrop (One bed two bed, red bed blue bed): Volunteers will focus on maintaining this variety trial by eliminating weeds, supporting the soil with organic matter and compost, and establishing new pollinator habitats. Blue team will work with blueberries and red team will work with currants.
2) Food Forest Maintenance with Lead Grounds Technician Nick
A Food Forest is an implemented design that mimics the natural forest ecosystem. Our Food Forest is still beginning its establishment on site but produces lots of produce already! You’ll learn a little about Permaculture while helping with general maintenance including weeding, mulching, path development, among other tasks.
3) Wetland Restoration with Intern Allena
Our Wetland restoration site is in year 4 and is beginning to take off as a thriving native wetland ecosystem. There’s always lots to do to keep our seasonal wetland environment thriving. Tasks may include invasive species removal, new planting, trail maintenance, and other upkeep tasks.
4) Rocket Mass Heater with Facilities Manager Melissa
This masonry-type heater is designed to produce fossil-fuel free heat for our greenhouse, providing a warm and comfortable environment for early spring veggies. Volunteers will complete this project by mixing sand, clay, and water to fill in the areas that need it then cap it off with a final layer of bricks.
5) Snack Prep in Kitchen with Food Access Program Manager Meghan
Join Meghan in the Kitchen to prepare some snacks to share with all our volunteers during our potluck lunch. Together we will cook with local, seasonal, organic ingredients, help with service during the potluck, and clean-up. This will be informal, we ask you to bring your own food or something to share and your own reusable plate/bowl and utensils.
For more information email volunteer@21acres.org.