Farm Bill Impacts in Our Region — A Grange Community Program

Farm Bill Impacts in Our Region — A Grange Community Program
- date: March 6, 2019
- time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The recently approved $867 Farm Bill Legislation will set our country’s food policy for the next five years. Covering dozens of programs, The 2018 Agriculture and Nutrition Act impacts millions of jobs, the cost and availability of food, and which crops are grown and how they’re produced.
Learn how the Farm Bill impacts the Sammamish Valley, regional agriculture, and local food systems at the Community Education Program co-hosted by the Sammamish Valley Grange and 21 Acres.

Program presenters are Brian Estes with the Washington Young Farmers Coalition and Christina Wong with Northwest Harvest. They’ll share and discuss the Farm Bill’s impacts in several key areas including support for locally grown foods and farmers markets and SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps.)
While some of the components are controversial, the new Farm Bill breaks ground for conservation and resilience. It’s the first of its kind that recognizes that the agricultural system will need to adapt to a changing climate, through new science and technologies and emphasis on soil health and climate resilience. Join us for the informative presentation followed by Q & A with the speakers.
In tradition and service to the broader community, the Sammamish Valley Grange presents monthly programs free to the general public. By working to improve the rural nature of the Sammamish Valley, the Grange shares its mission through educational outreach and neighborly engagement. For more information, e-mail sammamishvalleygrange286@gmail.com.