Permaculture Meetup

Permaculture Meetup
- date: March 7, 2017
- time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Permaculture (Permanent-Culture) is an practical ecological design science based on the diversity and stability of natural ecosystems. Permaculture is guided by three ethical principles: Earth Care, People Care, and Return of Surplus Energy to the Earth. It’s design with a focus on solving problems within the context of ecological, social and economic health, providing for human needs, and building resiliency.

March 7, Meetup: Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof from Hawthorn Farm are planning to spend all of 2017 eating only what they or friends have gathered by hand. No packaging, no trips to the store, just pure story-filled food. Already they have spent at least two weeks every month in 2016 eating this way. Find out the journey they have been on to prepare their farm, their pantry and themselves for this challenge.
21 Acres regularly provides meeting space for Permaculture Woodinville’s monthly educational Meet-Up on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. All ages are welcome and programs vary monthly. For details about upcoming meetings and other permaculture events in the surrounding area, check out the Sno-Isle Permaculture Network or visit Permaculture Woodinville’s Facebook page.