Saturday Volunteer Work Party

Saturday Volunteer Work Party
- date: January 11, 2020
- time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Are you a climate activist looking for ways to get involved?
Join 21 Acres and other likeminded people for a winter full of rewarding farm projects on Saturdays (10:00am – 2:00pm)
Help us build soil health and get the farm in shape for the next growing season. Your support will increase farm productivity; create more native habitat for animals, birds and insects; decrease storm water run off; and pull carbon out of the atmosphere through green plant material.
Activities include cleaning, organizing, weeding, mulching, and wheelbarrowing. No prior farm experience required. Friends and family 12 years and older are welcome to join!
First time volunteers please arrive at 9:30am for a brief orientation.
For more information on how to get involved please email Krystalw@21acres.org.