Saturday Volunteer Work Party

Saturday Volunteer Work Party
- date: June 24, 2017
- time: 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

Want to help restore and shape the landscape of 21 Acres? Then join staff member Nick Jennison at our weekly Saturday work parties. Tasks include wetlands restoration, plant propagation, garden and food forest maintenance, compost making, food harvesting, data tracking, and much more. There’s always lots to do and lots to learn!
This specific Saturday, we’ll be hosting a
Free Drip Irrigation Workshop/Work Party — Join us!

Learn how to install Drip Irrigation in your garden or landscape with this Free Drip Irrigation Workshop. We’ll walk through the system from the spigot to the end of the line, noting all of the parts required and each of their functions. You’ll then have the opportunity to help with the installation of a new drip system to get some hands-on experience to take back to your own property. We’ll be setting up irrigation for the UW-REN Capstone restoration project on the Northwest corner of our property. This means you’ll become a part of the community restoration effort and can continue to check in on its progress in the months and years to come. We hope to see you here!
Work parties occur every Saturday from 10am-2:30pm with a 30 minute lunch break. The 21 Acres Market will be open 11-4 for you to grab lunch from the deli or pick up some produce and fresh bread on your way out. Plus, as a volunteer, you get a 10% discount!
Most days will be filled with some sort of physical activity and take place outdoors, rain or shine, so bring weather appropriate clothing and shoes. Check out the schedule to see what’s happening this Saturday!
Learn more about becoming a volunteer here. Or send an email to: volunteer@21acres.org.
Complete a volunteer application before you come — we’re looking forward to seeing you!