Walk on the Wild(life) Side – Birds on the 21 Acres Farm

Walk on the Wild(life) Side – Birds on the 21 Acres Farm
- date: June 2, 2018
- time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Come walk on the wild side of the 21 Acres’ springtime farm and learn about our local bird species and how you can help them thrive!
Whether you are new to birding, just curious, or an expert birder, come and enjoy a spring morning and discover the diversity of birds that call our region home. Dan Kostlowski, a volunteer with both 21 Acres and Eastside Audubon, will lead a brief talk about the importance of birds, tips for creating a bird-friendly yard, and birding ethics. Then Dan and Nancy Hubly from Eastside Audubon will lead a bird walk on the 21 Acres campus to see these ideas in action and what birds are present on the farm in springtime. We will identify the birds we see and hear on the farm, including the year-round bird residents who may already be nesting, and migrants arriving for nesting season.

When you’ve finished exploring the farm and the bird communities who live and work with us, stop in the 21 Acres Farm Market for special First Saturday happenings!
Dress for the weather with layers, waterproof clothing and boots if needed, as the farm property can be muddy in our wet Pacific Northwest spring. Binoculars are not required, but useful if you have them! This walk is suitable for children over age 5 with an adult, teens, families, and beginning to intermediate birders.
$5 optional donation. Proceeds go to Eastside Audubon. The mission of Eastside Audubon is to protect, preserve, and enhance natural ecosystems and our communities for the benefit of birds, other wildlife and people.