Webinar: Bee-Killing Pesticides and What We Can Do to Help

Webinar: Bee-Killing Pesticides and What We Can Do to Help
- date: March 29, 2023
- time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Here’s a frightening fact: one square foot of grass can contain enough neonics to kill one million bees. Join the Pollinator Pathway NW and National Resources Defense Council for a talk on the science behind threats posed by neonicotinoid (“neonics”) and other pesticides to pollinators, biodiversity, and our own health. The webinar will also provide information on the current efforts in Washington to support pollinator health and habitat, what’s happening at the federal level, and local action you can take.

Webinar Speakers:
Katie Buckley is the Washington State Department of Agriculture Pollinator Health Coordinator. She has a BS in Entomology from Purdue University, an MS in Entomology from the University of Florida, and a PhD in Entomology from WSU. For her master’s she worked in the UF Honeybee Research and Extension Lab on creating habitat for native bees in an agricultural setting. Her doctorate research was on using sagebrush steppe habitat restoration in vineyards to effect beneficial and pest insect communities.
Dan Raichel is Acting Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Pollinator Initiative, which focuses on protecting our nation’s bee populations from the ever-growing threats to their health and existence – in particular, the use of bee-toxic pesticides.
Pollinator Pathway NW is a project of 21 Acres.