Whole Being Health: Your Physical, Emotional, and Environmental Well-being

Whole Being Health: Your Physical, Emotional, and Environmental Well-being
- date: February 6, 2021
- time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This past year has challenged us in many ways. In this class series, taught by Dr. Sarah Sue Myers, we will explore the ways we can support ourselves, one another, and the planet through physical, emotional, and environmental kinds of care.
Each week in this three-part series will guide you through therapeutics, practices, activities, and awareness to support these three areas of wellness. Some examples of topics we may discuss include:

- Herbalism
- Therapeutic foods
- Hydrotherapy
- Biofeedback
- Land stewardship
- Creativity
- Connection
You do not have to sign up for all three classes in order to participate. During registration, you will register for each class separately.
In Whole Being Health, we’ll talk together about stress and bring to light ways to navigate, balance, and shift the challenges we are facing in a more healthy way.
This is a live virtual class taught via Zoom. Class details will be provided after registration. Bring your questions; we encourage active participation!
About Dr. Sarah Sue :
Dr. Sarah Sue Myers is a Naturopathic Doctor who has taught Plant Medicine 101 at 21 Acres. She provides medical services of many kinds–primary care, preventative medicine, condition-based care, hormone balancing, counseling-based visits, bodywork, and more. Visits are always intentionally integrated with building a therapeutic relationship between doctor and patient, education, empowerment, and reflection in a safe space. Dr. Sarah Sue truly works to treat the whole being. Read more at journeyhomehealing.com.