WSDA On-Farm Food Safety Workshop for Produce Farms at 21 Acres

WSDA On-Farm Food Safety Workshop for Produce Farms at 21 Acres
- date: May 30, 2018
- time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Calling all small-scale produce farmers! The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is offering a series of 3 workshops on Food Safety for Small Produce Farms in King County. All workshops are hands-on and participants will go home with supplies to implement practices on their own farms.
21 Acres is hosting the second workshop in this series: Post-Harvest Handling & Water Use for Quality and Safety

This on-farm workshop is designed for small-scale farmers in King County to learn about food safety practices that are cost effective and scale appropriate, focusing on post-harvest handling and water use. We’ll cut through the confusion of different produce safety regulations, market standards, and buyer needs.
Most importantly, we’ll learn about best practices you can implement on your farm to minimize food safety risk, increase product quality, meet current regulations – and most of all – keep your customers happy and healthy! Proper post-harvest handling and water quality management are essential aspects of produce safety. Wash/Pack station design, equipment, water quality management, and produce wash methods all play a role.
This workshop will allow farmers to talk with WSDA produce safety educators and auditors about Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards and FDA Produce Rule, now mandatory under FSMA. With classroom activities and a tour of the (GAP-certified) 21 Acres Farm’s wash/pack station, farmers will consider water management and post-harvest practices from the lens of food safety.
Topics addressed will include:
– Produce wash station design & flow
– GAP and FSMA water quality standards
– Methods for monitoring wash water
– Post-harvest water treatment and sanitizers
– Cleaning and sanitation schedules
– Related documentation, including policies, standard operating procedures (SOP) and records
Participants will receive a WSDA Bridging the GAPs Guide, a comprehensive resource on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) based on the USDA GAP/GHP audit.
WSDA staff will be available for personalized technical assistance between workshops.
Workshops are free, but registration is required.