Youth Culinary Series: Cultivating Cooks 201

Youth Culinary Series: Cultivating Cooks 201
- date: November 8, 2017
- time: 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Exploring Flavor | Calling all cooks ages 8-16
Just for youth: Four, 2 ½ -hour classes exploring the flavors of 4 important world cuisines. This series continues the experience of Cultivating Cooks:101, building stronger knife skills, having more time at the stove, and maximum benefit will be achieved for students having completed Cultivating Cooks:101 first. However, any youth with kitchen/cooking skills are welcome to sign up for this intermediate level session. All classes will have a non-meat alternative and ingredients sourced as seasonal, organic, local and sustainably grown as possible.

Week 1: Mexico
Dried chiles, beans & grains form the backbone of Mexican cooking. Adding spices and other ingredients common to the cuisine will give us a complete meal, full of Mexican flavor.
Week 2: India
India introduced the world to spices and we’ll use several, along with chickpeas, paneer, yogurt, and various vegetables to create this delicious menu.
Week 3: Italy
From the chilis and spices of weeks 1 & 2, we’ll move to the more subtle flavors of Italy. Garlic, olive oil, basil and Parmesan are flavors common throughout this regionally-defined country, and we’ll use Pacific Northwest versions to fill out our menu of pasta and more.
Week 4: France
The methods of French cooking are the basis for most of the culinary education in the Western world. The flavor of the food is that of the ingredients used. Therefore, ingredients should be the freshest and best available, most often the closest at hand, all adding to the total taste of a dish. Our late Fall menu will reflect this idea, using the best local ingredients we can source, to create a meal in the French fashion. Bon appétit!