Growing a Revolution with David Montgomery
Growing a Revolution with David Montgomery
- posted on: July 17, 2017
- posted by: Robin Crowder
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In his new book, Growing a Revolution, Professor David Montgomery introduces us to farmers around the world at the heart of a brewing soil health revolution and cuts through standard debates about conventional and organic farming to show why regenerative agriculture can benefit farmers and the land. Combining ancient wisdom with modern science, he makes the case for an inspiring vision where agriculture becomes the solution to environmental problems. Growing a Revolution reveals that it’s possible to bring a farm’s soil back to life.

We’re excited to welcome David Montgomery back to 21 Acres as its been a number of years since we last presented a program featuring him. We’ll be hosting David at this month’s Tuesdays@21, for a program titled: Growing a Revolution.
The timing of this talk and book signing is particularly relevant to us here at 21 Acres as we are focused on building the farm’s soil quality and improving its tilth. Although we’ve been a Certified Organic farm for a number of years, this season we’ve renewed our commitment to the soil with the energy of Andrew Ely as our farm production specialist. It’s just the beginning of a long regenerative journey toward the goal of optimal soil conditions and an overall healthy ecosystem across the farm.
Inerestingly, the SAgE student farm just to the south of us, and with whom we have a cooperative relationship, is also striving to improve their soils. Despite years of soil depletion prior to the SAgE group farming the land, the student farmers are seeing successes by using sustainable practices such as adding organic amendments, avoiding soil compaction, planting cover crops and incorporating animals into their farm plan for rotational grazing — SAgE is able to grow diverse beautiful and highly nutritious produce and the future looks even more promising as soil conditions improve.
David’s talk is relevant to both 21 Acres and SAgE farm and to so many others in the Sammamish Valley and beyond: He expresses his tremendous optimism about farmers who have restored fertility to the land.
David is a MacArthur Fellow and recipient of their Genius award. We’re fortunate that he’s a Pacific Northwesterner and he works as a Professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington. David is the author of several books including Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization, The Rocks Don’t Lie, The Hidden Half of Nature and Growing a Revolution, published in May 2017.
Join us July 25 for this free event. Doors open at 6:30 pm; Program starts at 7 pm
Read more about David’s new book here.
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Tuesdays@21 are a way for community members to learn from one another and to share with people involved in the interdisciplinary field of sustainability.
These dynamic evenings tackle a wide spectrum of regionally-relevant issues ranging from climate change, wildlife and wild spaces, energy independence, agriculture, food production, food justice, and activism using a variety of formats that are sure to inspire and challenge us to action.
For more information or to share an idea for a Tuesdays@21 please email Robyn Lynn, robynl@21acres.org.