24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action

24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action
- date: November 21, 2019
- time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

We’ve all seen the climate crisis growing and wondered, what’s happening to the Earth? How will it affect our community? And what can we do? Join us at 21 Acres on Thursday, November 21st; it’s time for answers with 24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action, a global conversation on the climate crisis and how we solve it. Climate Reality Leader volunteers, trained by former US Vice President Al Gore, will hold public presentations and conversations on our changing climate across continents and time zones.
The presentation at 21 Acres is directed to a local community audience of all ages that are connected to, and interested in, local food systems and sustainable agriculture. The 21 Acres Farm and campus is directly affected by climate issues with the organization moving toward 100% regenerative agricultural practices.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Program begins at 6:30 with the Volunteer Presenter. The event is free and all ages are welcome to join the conversation! No registration is necessary, but you welcome to RSVP at http://bit.ly/2QhuQWw.