21 Acres to Host Woodinville Crop Walk for Hunger
21 Acres to Host Woodinville Crop Walk for Hunger
- posted on: May 23, 2017
- posted by: 21 Acres
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If you want to help address hunger and food insecurity, learn more about the Woodinville Crop Walk for Hunger from Deb Sternagel, our Human Resources Administrator at 21 Acres:
On June 3rd 21 Acres will be hosting the last half mile of the Woodinville Crop Walk for Hunger (for the third time).

This program raises funds to initiate and prolong programs to meet needs in many countries, including the United States – these programs include teaching how to farm for income and to feed families, installing a biogas digester so trees do not have to be cut for fuel and reduce domestic costs, learning a micro-business of raising chickens, improving sanitation and ways to provide clean water so families are healthy and women can find other ways to provide income when they are not spending the whole day carrying water.
Here in Woodinville, a portion of the money raised goes directly to the YMCA summer lunch program and Maltby Foodbank– hopefully if children are fed properly during the summer, they are ahead of the game when they go back to school in the fall.
The Crop Walk is a three mile walk around Woodinville and I’d love to have you join the 21 Acres Team – just walking in support and/or collecting pledges to help the overall efforts. You can see detailed information on the Farm Market bulletin board. Log on here, to join the team. Grab your friends and family to walk along for fun. Also, if you can’t walk but love dogs and would like to help– we are hoping to have some volunteers to hold leashes while their owners finish the half mile through the farm.
Please consider joining and let me know if you have any questions, deb@21acres.org.