Seeds — Growing as if our Lives Depend on Seeds
Seeds — Growing as if our Lives Depend on Seeds
- posted on: May 18, 2015
- posted by: 21 Acres
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If you haven’t yet taken a class at 21 Acres — the time is now. These two classes about seeds will provide the perspective and inspiration you’re looking for to continue to work for better food systems and greater food sovereignty for ourselves, our families and the greater community.
The Center for Food Safety says, “The Number One threat to Seed Biodiversity: Corporate Takeover of Commercial Seeds by Major Chemical/Biotechnology companies — The top 10 seed companies control 57% of the global seed market. Seed industry concentration has resulted from major pesticide manufacturers like Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer and Dow buying up half the world’s seed supply…These corporations use several different methods of control over our seed supply. These methods include patenting; genetic engineering; technology use agreements; and terminator technology designed to make plants sterile so they are unable to reproduce, and so that farmers are unable to save the seed from these crops for future planting.”
21 Acres has worked with Caitlin Moore, Root & Radicle Seed Co, to develop two classes to help people gain a better understanding of the current state of affairs related to seeds. The first class will address how the seed industry arrived at where it is today and what the trend toward patented seeds means to farmers, gardeners, and growers. You’ll learn what individuals are doing to change the system and to ensure that our next generations aren’t dependent upon corporations for food sustenance. In the second class, Caitlin will help growers incorporate seed production and seed saving into their own gardens — learning how to perpetuate life without corporate dictatorship.
Spotlight on Seeds: Perspectives from an Urban Food Warrior
Saturday, May 30, 10 am to Noon — Only $10
Comprehensive seed knowledge isn’t limited to professionals but intrinsic to ensuring the genetic integrity and generational sustainability of our food production–from the backyard gardener to the industrial farmer. The resurgence in interest in seeds and their importance to human well-being can be seen behind recent anti-GMO ballot initiatives and an overall trend toward demanding greater oversight of our food supply.
Attendees will learn about how the seed industry arrived at where it is today and what the trend toward patented seeds means to farmers, gardeners, and growers. Caitlin will also address the ways in which ordinary citizens are attempting to change the system, through for example, seed libraries, and other people who are developing strategies to increase access to a more diverse array of seed stocks. Attendees are encouraged to bring seeds to share!
Seed-sational Gardens and Beds: Growing as if Our Lives Depend on Seeds
Saturday, June 6, 10 am to 2 pm — Only $25
Have you ever imagined what wonders could arise by introducing seed production in your farm/garden plan? The possibilities are endless! Here, we will start with the often overlooked beginning of any delectable harvest, the seed! The focus of this workshop is on building a framework for planning your farm or garden’s seed production. Through lecture, discussion, some hands-on, and media, we will solidify the basics of flower morphology, fertilization and egg production, and include identifying the reproductive mechanisms of vegetable crops, population and isolation methods for crops as well as what criteria should be considered when planning for your field’s season and beyond. We’ll also review where to source your seed for on farm/garden seed development. Attendees are encouraged to bring seeds to share!
Instructor: Caitlin Moore, known as The Urban Food Warrior, has been teaching seed saving and gardening principles since 2008. Raised on an organic farm in Western Washington, she went on to earn a degree in biology and plant genetics and founded the Olympia Seed Exchange. She is also the Co-Director of the King County Seed Lending Library, and owner of Root & Radicle Seed Co.