What’s Happening on the Farm in February
What’s Happening on the Farm in February
- posted on: February 8, 2019
- posted by: 21 Acres
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Becca Jordan is our resident writer and artist. She’s taken to writing about what’s happening on the farm each month. We hope you enjoy reading her summary as much as we do.
“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy,” wrote William Blake. Even though it might seem hard to enjoy the unexpected winter snowstorms over the past couple of weeks, there is warmth to be found in our close community of farmers.

From making a bountiful meal of our winter stores to wandering in the snowbound beauty of the farm, there is so much to enjoy when we have such good friends.
After the first snowfall all winter, we were delighted to find telltale sledding tracks on the berm south of our building. The snow brings more friends than just humans, though. Rabbit tracks can be found crisscrossing the farm along with the occasional coyote paw print. Don’t worry, our flock of chickens is safe—our protective roosters make sure of that as the hens cluster for warmth in their coop.
With the next snowstorm blowing in, big plans to begin an ecological restoration project with the UW-Restoration Ecology Network and our volunteer program have been frozen—for now. Rooting out invasive species and prepping the soil for native Washington plants to flourish will have to wait. Mother Nature will tell us when it’s time to plant so they will have the best possible chance of thriving in their new home in the 21 Acres soil.
We hope that you’re staying warm and safe through the ice and snow. Sooner than you know it, it will be time to plant seeds for the vibrant coming year. Cold toes will thaw and the farm will begin to re-emerge from the snow. For now, it is time to enjoy all that the farm has brought us over the past year—new friends, good food, and an appreciation for the reminders the earth gives us.
— Becca