Introducing Pollinator Pathway NW–A Sammamish Valley Grange Program

Introducing Pollinator Pathway NW–A Sammamish Valley Grange Program
- date: March 2, 2022
- time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

This program is hosted by the Sammamish Valley Grange.
The new Pollinator Pathway NW will identify pollinator friendly habitats across the local Sammamish Valley and surrounding region.
The world is starting to pay attention to the decline in pollinators and the devastating consequences should this decline not be reversed. In partnership with the Sammamish Valley Grange, 21 Acres and others, a new program has been established to promote a local pollinator pathway.

Join the Sammamish Valley Grange community, Wednesday, March 2nd, 7 p.m, for a virtual presentation on the newly created Pollinator Pathway Northwest.
The goal of the new Pathway is to identify pollinator friendly habitats across the local Sammamish Valley and surrounding region by partnering with farmers, gardeners, businesses and the local community. The presentation, led by Patricia Newkirk the coordinator of the volunteer-led pollinator garden project at 21 Acres, will highlight details of the new program including: the implementation of a new interactive map of pollinator habitats in public and private spaces; the distribution of Mason bee nesting boxes to farmers, home gardeners, and community members; and, educational opportunities on pollinator health and habitat expansion.
This free program will take place via Zoom and everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your questions and learn more on becoming a partner in the Pollinator Pathway NW, how to volunteer, and how to site your pollinator garden or plantings on the map!
About Patricia Newkirk
Newkirk spent her early professional years working for an international development organization in Africa, Europe and the Middle East teaching strategic planning methods for community development. She has been involved with the intentional communities movement since the ‘80s and now lives at the Songaia Co-housing Community in Bothell where she was the garden manager for eight years. Becoming deeply interested in sustainable agriculture and permaculture, she is currently designing and planting a demonstration “cultural planting” at Songaia, a collaboration with NRCS.
About Sammamish Valley Grange
In working to improve the rural nature of the Sammamish Valley, the Grange shares its mission through educational outreach and neighborly engagement. Membership in the Grange is open to the public. For more information, please e-mail sammamishvalleygrange286@gmail.com.