21 Acres Weather Station: Major Heat Wave Through At Least the Middle of Next Week
21 Acres Weather Station: Major Heat Wave Through At Least the Middle of Next Week
- posted on: July 14, 2014
- posted by: 21 Acres
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Did you know that we have a weather station at 21 Acres on the farm? Through a partnership with Washington State University, we have a station collecting data that is used to model weather patterns to help inform the community and importantly, farmers, about the forecast. We also receive weekly reports from WSU with detailed weather information for the upcoming week. For example, below are excerpts for the forecast for this week,
The weather for the next 7 days can be summarized in two words: very hot. Most areas east of the Cascades will be above 100 degrees for much of the period, while the hottest areas could reach 110 degrees at some point. Unfortunately, the prolonged hot spell will also feature unusually humid conditions by Northwest standards, which means that there will be limited relief at night.
For the complete AgWeatherNet Weekly Weather Outlook for July 12 to July 18, 2014, please click on the following link:http://weather.wsu.edu/awn.php?page=outlook20140711&ls=em
The recent trend away from cool conditions early in the growing season continued in June, with above normal monthly temperatures occurring statewide. Aside from a wet period around mid month, most of June was warm and fairly dry. The weather became somewhat more active again late in the month, although temperatures remained rather warm. Meteorological highlights of the month included a high temperature of only 46 degrees at Garfield East on the 17th, and a 90 degree high at the Tri-Cities on June 2nd, along with 1.15 inches of rain at Brays Landing on June 13th.
Following a very dry start to June, a modicum of relief came for dry-land wheat growers in the form of a wet upper low that provided much needed rain to eastern areas on June 17th. Despite the benefit of the widespread rainfall, which included 0.87 inches at Fairfield, much of the drought damage was already done. By contrast, cherry growers were equally pleased that the rain largely avoided central areas. For much of the growing season so far, the warm and dry weather has been welcomed in central Washington, while eastern wheat growers have lamented the persistent drought conditions.
If you haven’t yet had a chance to visit our website and see up to the minute reports, please click here.