21 Acres Contest: What’s in Your Garden?
21 Acres Contest: What’s in Your Garden?
- posted on: July 27, 2014
- posted by: 21 Acres
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21 ACRES CONTEST: WHAT’S IN YOUR GARDEN? Enter to win two books (“How are You Peeling,” a kid favorite, and a 21 Acres Staff favorite cookbook), local honey and 10 dollars worth of produce compliments of 21 Acres!
All you have to do is follow these three simple steps:
1. Like 21 Acres on Facebook and Instagram
2. Send us a Facebook message with your email so we can let you know if you are a winner!
3. Upload a photo and write a caption of 140 characters or less that captures your unique vegetable or fruit.
Need some inspiration? Want to make sure your photos are what we are looking for? Check out the photos above!