Green Giving — Engraved Pavers

Green Giving — Engraved Pavers

  • posted on: November 26, 2014
  • posted by: 21 Acres
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Have you seen the engraved pavers in front of the market at 21 Acres? If not, check them out!! Great Green Gift Idea and currently ON SALE as holiday gifts!

This paver pathway area is looking really fantastic lately under the watch and care of Facilities Team Melissa and Scott – they are carefully cultivating some native ground covers to make a lovely path (and thereby reducing the weeds). Additionally, Eagle Scout Candidate Tucker Lutz researched the best plants and planting practices and as part of his Eagle Project, planted additional groundcover. Last week I had the joy of watching a mom and child explore the pavers, reading and hopping from paver to paver – exactly what I hoped would happen!!

Engraved Pavers are such a cool way to not only support a project, but to put your permanent stamp in the universe. I purchased pavers and bricks for fund-raising projects around Woodinville with my kids’names as they were growing up – my hope is not only that the pavers will continue to enhance the feeling of community we tried to instill, but my son and daughter will bring their children to find those pavers and be able to talk about that community. Now that I have the recent joy of becoming a grandparent, I will be purchasing a paver at 21 Acres for my grandson – I can’t wait!!

The engraved pavers normally sell for $80 for small, $100 medium and $125 large. – Now through December 31st, pavers will be 20% off. (Of course you are still welcome to purchase at full price : ) with the engraving costs, there actually is very little left over, but what is, goes to our educational programs!) Come check out our Paver Path and think about having your name or your loved one’s name, engraved in stone as part of a “Green Gift.”

— Deb