Lentils 101 + a Tasty Recipe
Lentils 101 + a Tasty Recipe
- posted on: January 20, 2018
- posted by: 21 Acres
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If you’re not already a fan, you may not know that lentils are believed to bring luck and happiness…and not only at the beginning of the year!
We found this informative article on the “Eco-Centric” blog that gives a brief history, talks about seasonality (they don’t have one) and shares info on their low environmental impact.
Read more on the different types, what to look for when purchasing, nutritional value, and storing and cooking tips. The 21 Acres Farm Market carries locally grown Spanish Pardino lentils from farmers in the Palouse region of Washington State. We are the lucky ones who enjoy lentils from the most recent harvest. Liesl, 21 Acres Market Manager, is also hoping to find and sample crimson lentils on a trip to Northern Oregon this winter.
Below is a 21 Acres adapted recipe to try. (Also, click here for “Warm French Green Lentils with Walnuts, Ricotta Salata and Parsley” from Eco-Centric.)

RECIPE: Pacific Northwest Inspired Kitchari with Seasonal Dark Leafy Greens (Kitchari means mixture, usually of two grains)
Recipe by Amanda Bullat MS RDN CD; adapted from Ayurvedic Chef Patti Garland’s original
Serves 4
2 Tbsp, plus 1 ½ tsp Ghee from Cherry Valley Dairy (available at 21 Acres Market)
½ tsp minced fresh ginger
1 tsp cumin seeds
½ cup Emmer Farro from Blue Bird Grains (available at 21 Acres Market)
½ cup yellow sunrise lentils from Pacific Northwest Coop (available at some PCC locations)
¾ tsp turmeric
1 bunch kale or Swiss chard, leaves torn from stems, chop and reserve stems
1 tsp salt
½ cup plain full-fat yogurt from Samish Bay or Graces Harbor (available at 21 Acres Market or most PCC locations
1. Heat 2 Tbsp ghee in medium saucepan over medium-high heat. When ghee is hot, stir in ginger, cumin seeds, and reserved stems from greens. Toast for a few seconds until fragrant.
2. Stir in emmer faro and lentils. Toast for 1 minute.
3. Add 4 cups water and turmeric, bring to full boil over high heat.
4. Reduce heat to simmer, partially cover, and cook stirring occasionally for 40 minutes or until grains and lentils are tender.
5. Add greens and salt. Simmer 5 minutes longer until green wilt but remain vibrant in color.
6. Stir in remaining 1 ½ tsp ghee just before serving.
7. Top each portion with 2 Tbsp plain yogurt.