New E-Book Published by 21 Acres Volunteer
New E-Book Published by 21 Acres Volunteer
- posted on: December 3, 2013
- posted by: 21 Acres
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All of us at 21 Acres extend our sincere congratulations to Vicky McDonald for publishing her very first e-book. As some of you may know, Vicky has volunteered for 21 Acres this past year and given tirelessly of her time. She helped us launch this 21 Acres’ blog and provided much creative energy and insight in areas related to communications. Here’s the email Vicky sent letting us know about her accomplishment:
“I’m very excited to announce that I have my published my very first ebook. Wohoo! After blogging for over two years, I decided to release a short book of gluten-free recipes. I don’t cook gluten-free all the time, but I am always amazed at how popular my gluten-free recipes are, so I dedicated some time […] You may view the latest post at http://stasty.com/?p=7255Best regards, S’tasty vicky@stasty.com.”
Hip Hip Hooray!