Core Cooking Classes in WA Repeated Monthly With Seasonal Offerings
Core Cooking Classes in WA Repeated Monthly With Seasonal Offerings
- posted on: October 8, 2014
- posted by: 21 Acres
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If you haven’t already noticed, there are more cooking classes on the calendar at 21 Acres these days. They’re scheduled to be repeated on consistent days of the month with changing menus coinciding with the seasons. Registration fees are very inexpensive and members receive a discount. We’re striving to make it easy for people to attend so we can share our excitement about eating local, Organic food year-round, even here when the Pacific Northwest has such wet and cold winters.
Matt Keen, RD, Local Foods Education Coordinator, has been working with our kitchen team and guest chefs to offer the following classes every month:
Start Right — How to Make Good Food for Growing Kids
Participants will help prepare their own pureed baby food as well as food for growing kids. Plus, learn about infant and toddler-specific food safety. Emphasis will be on children’s nutritional needs and how to use local, seasonal, organic foods to achieve that on a budget. Dates/Times: The first Saturday of the month scheduled through December. 1 to 2 pm. Registration fee: $20 per person; $15 for 21 Acres’ members.
Yes, You Can!
Extend summer throughout the year by learning how to can and preserve your farm fresh produce. Take home two jars of produce that you help can while learning how to do so in a safe and effective manner. Classes will feature our kitchen team and a Registered Dietitian to help understand how preserving foods can help your nutrition through the winter. Dates/Times: The first Friday of the month through December. 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Registration fee: $15 per person; $10 for 21 Acres’ members.
My Local Pantry
Learn how to make hummus, ricotta cheese, salad dressings, salsa, pesto, and other foods from Northwest ingredients. Cut back on waste and save money as you learn how to stock your pantry without relying on the supermarket. Dates/Times: The second Thursday of the month scheduled through December. 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Registration fee: $10 per person; $7.50 for 21 Acres members.
In addition to the monthly classes described above there are other special classes being added to the calendar regularly. To make sure you receive notice of these send an email to: generalinfo@21acres.org and provide your contact information. If you have any questions about classes or are particularly interested in a specific topic, email Matt, matt@21acres.org.