Farm Update
Farm Update
- posted on: August 3, 2013
- posted by: 21 Acres
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Farm Update: What a beautiful summer we are having! I hope you are enjoying it. We finally had a little thunderstorm shower in the valley yesterday after weeks of dry days in June/July….yesterday’s sprinkle was just a tease, not significant, though. I was going to write this farm update sooner, but other priorities came first. In farming plans are there to be changed. The farm season’s peak time is just beginning. July was an extremely busy month and lots happening. Due to the warm and dry summer we are having, we’ve been irrigating crops in the field almost daily according to soil moisture, crop growth and timing of weeding and harvest.
The crop production is going well overall, but we just found out our Chipolini onions were affected by mildew. There are also a couple of other farmers in the valley who are in the same boat….their onions were affected by mildew, too. We did our research and analysis on “downy mildew” and investigated a possible cause and a solution. In short, luckily we could save our Chipolini onions (bulbs). We also took a preventive measure for the other onions in the field just in case. We made a solution with horsetail weeds and applied it to the onion tops. It is still too soon to assess the full scope of its effectiveness at this stage, but it seems it’s working. Silica in horsetail works to kill/prevent mildew. Cross fingers.
Shiso – green/red…Asian herb used for garnish, salads, pickling and sweets. Often seen/used at sushi bars, shiso is similar to mint and basil: rich in dietary fiber/minerals with potential anti-inflammatory properties and may be used to preserve foods.
On the farm there have been many activities happening…..farm tours, gatherings, summer camps and educational events besides regular farming activities. The season is flying by so fast! Our corn is looking good with tasseling now, which indicates corn is ready to start producing. Summer squash loves the weather and is producing in abundance. Lettuce has been slow to grow due to the warm weather, but so far we are catching up with enough supply for the market with a little extra. Carrots are sweet and crispy, and one of our specialty crops this year – elephant garlic – is perfect for garlic lovers!…..how about roatsed garlic spread? Our first trial of fava bean production went very well, and customers and the kitchen loved them. By the way, I don’t mean to spoil your summer, but winter squash has already blossoms and forming some fruit…it’s not fall yet!? The season goes fast here on the farm….a reminder. Our tomatoes and cukes are ripening now and producing more day by day. Abundance is here. Let’s eat the summer, eat the sun!
– Farmer John –
Bee swarm!….we spotted this in the field in one morning, and soon it was gone somewhere.